5 best motivational books for study and work

Procrastination, motivation, discipline ... There are moments in the life of every person when depletion and emptiness come. When the hands go down, and you have strength enough only for lay on the sofa. Therefore, we propose not to waste your time in vain, but to read useful literature. After all, as you know, a good book can cure of any emotional ailment.



Each of us sometimes needs a powerful charge of energy, motivation and discipline. CaEduBirdie collected useful literature where you will find the source of inspiration and clear guidelines for achieving any goal.


"Don't Delay" by Timothy Pychyl


What this book is about: About procrastination, postponing of affairs on long then, today many speak. This is the real problem of modern man. Not surprisingly, it is studied by psychologists all over the world. One of them is Timothy Picil. He has been researching the problem since 1995. The result of his research, conclusions and clear strategies for dealing with postponing Timothy Pichil brought in the book. Here are intertwined scientific facts, practical advice and even humor.

You have to read it to stop postpone everything for later and begin to act.


"Think slowly... Decide quickly" by Daniel Kahneman



What the book is about: Daniel Kahneman is one of the world's leading psychologists, a Nobel laureate in economics, an influential person in the world of finance wrote a surprisingly accurate and at the same time heavy book on thinking and acting. The author explains why people commit irrational actions and make wrong decisions. The book presents serious static and economic models, which are based on psychological assumptions. These are complex schemes that you need to think about responsibly and see it here. You have to read this book to learn to control your thinking.


"Be the Best Version of Yourself" by Dan Waldschmidt


What the book is about: Dan Waldschmidt conducted a large-scale study among successful people. He studied 1000 stories of ordinary people from business, science, politics and sports, who achieved outstanding results. And he went to the incredible conclusion: it's not a question of zeal, it's about who you are. This book, which will give a number of clear recommendations, how to earn your millions and reach incredible peaks. And he will also teach you how to find harmony in everything you touch.

Why read: to understand how to reach incredible peaks, and at the same time find harmony with yourself.


"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg


What is the book about: Do you want to change the usual? Experiment. Do the usual differently. Look at everything with a new look. Only other actions can lead to other results. It would seem that truth, which everyone knows. However, along with this complex truth, which is not so easy to follow. Charles Dahigg talks about this on pages. He shares stories about the habits of rich people and entire organizations, like Michael Phelps and Starbucks, and only at the very end gives guidance on how to change their habits.

Why you have to read it: to learn to resist your habits, or even better - just to change them.


"The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter - And How to Make the Most of Them Now" by Meg Jay


What the book is about: "80% of the most important events occur in our life in the period from twenty to thirty years" - the main message of the author. Indeed, this is the beginning of adulthood, and on how we spend this time, the further development of success will depend. In order not to miss the opportunity of the main decade, Dr. Meg Jay gives guidance on where and how to move. The book contains many examples and psychological portraits, a review of the main doubts and problems that young people face from 20 to 30 years.

You have to read it to properly lay the foundation of social life in all its manifestations.